AFUP interview
| | 8 minutes | 1666 words
I will soon give a talk at AFUP regarding the loophp/collection library that I built.
I’ve been asked to make an interview and I had to reply to some questions.
This blog post is the english translation of this interview.
When we read "Lazy Collection", we think "Doctrine Collection". Could you tell us more why your library loophp/collection is different?
The package
is one of the reason I started to get interest into collections. However, the real trigger was a pull request from Joseph Silber on the Laravel framework, le 5 Août 2019. I carefully analysed and tested it and I started to write my own library, mainly to to learn, test and have a better understanding on the new concepts, I also improved some of them.That said, it’s true, collections libraries, there are many and at every sauce, and curry sauce is quite uncommon!
The library provided by Doctrine is mainly used by Doctrine. The result of a
SQL query are ofen wrapped with an instance of that collection.This allows, among some other things, to easily apply filtering, sorting functions and so on. This is very practical because the result of a query is an object, an instance of the collection, and therefore there is an easy way to see the methods which are attached to it, for example, with the IDE and thus to manipulate the data.
To come back to your original question now,
is not lazy and therefore very different fromloophp/collection
.Each method call is executed instantly regardless of the size of the initial data set. Without counting the layer which manages the
, we could practically reduce this library to a simple array manipulation utility.And so yes, there is therefore a fundamental difference between
.Example, following a request from a service or a database, we retrieve in the collection
millions of digital identifiers.$results = $collection ->filter(fn (int $int) => 0 === $int % 2) // Filter even identifiers ->map(fn(int $int) => 'document' . $int . '.pdf') // Rename to filename ->filter(fn(string $doc) => file_exists('/doc/' . $doc)) // Filter unexistent files ->map(fn(string $doc) => file_get_contents($doc)); // Fetch the file content foreach ($results as $v) {} // Iterate the results
This snippet will:
Before starting the foreach loop,
Traverse the collection to filter it based on its parity,
Create a temporary results array,
Traverse the array to rename into filenames,
Create a temporary results array,
Traverse the array to filter it based on the file existence,
Create a temporary results array,
Traverse the array to fetch the file contents,
Create a final temporary resulting array.
Now, let’s do the same with a lazy collection instance.
Do nothing before starting the foreach loop,
As soon as the iteration starts...,
If the current element is even, then rename it,
if the file exists, then fetch its content,
Send the current result to the user.
The fundamental difference is clearly highlighted here. With a traditional collection, the data collection will be traversed several times, and intermediate variables will be created while with a lazy collection, the data will only be traversed once and no intermediate variable will be created.
To put it simply, a lazy code will be more lenient with the use of allocated memory than with a traditional code.
To conclude, a traditional collection will favor a consecutive execution while a lazy collection, a transversal execution.
It is thus among others this technique which is used in
.The result of one or more operations is executed/compiled/performed/call-it-whatever-you-want only when we iterate over the results, never before (except for a few exceptions out of context).
So that’s why the adjective lazy takes on its full meaning, everything is always done at the last moment, a bit like me when I had to study, always at the last minute!
Hence also the fact that regardless of the volume of initial data, the library will only take care of a small part at a time and will stop only when it has finished going through them.
Finally, to quickly get back to Doctrine, maybe one day there will be a way to inject the possibility of using another collection library... who knows?
We at AFUP love curry, sweet, smoked ... sorry? What? Ah! Is curry a style of writing code? Can you explain to us what this style is?
I love curry too, both in my dishes and in the code, if not more!
The term comes from the name of the American mathematician Haskell Curry, yes, Haskell like the programming language!
The following definition explains it very well: The curryfication is the transformation of a function with multiple arguments to a function with one argument (unary function) which returns a function on the rest of the arguments.
Let’s take a trivial example: the
implode ()
function. This function is called binary and we must succeed in transforming it into a function called unary.But how is this possible? To be carried out, this function will always need 2 arguments!
The curryfication of this function would therefore amount to creating a new function unary which admits the first argument
, which in turns, returns a function which admits the second argument$strings
and which in turns returns the final result. Example:$implode = fn(string $separator) => fn(array $strings) => \implode($separator, $strings);
And voila! We can now easily create as many unary functions as we want. For example, we want a function that implode with a hyphen or a comma:
$implodeWithDash = $implode('-'); $implodeWithComma = $implode(',');
Which can be used like this:
$input = ['a','b','c']; $implodeWithDash($input); // a-b-c $implodeWithComma($input); // a,b,c
That said, nothing prevents us from also using our new
function like a traditional one:$implode(';')(['g','h','i']); // g;h;i
The advantage of this technique invented in the 70s (not so old!) makes it easier to compose operations developed using several other functions. It also makes it easier to rewrite code, write less code as well as write less imperative and more declarative code, more functional programming oriented.
Now, to come back in the context that matters to us today, namely the lazy collections and more especially
.I have used this technique almost everywhere. Indeed, when you pass arguments in the class constructor, there is a good chance that these arguments will be kept in memory via properties. And so, in order to reduce the memory footprint and reduce the size of the code, I spiced up my code using the curryfication.
It taught me a lot of things and the greatest gift was being interested in functional programming, it opened me up eyes on a myriad of fabulous concepts. This is how I started learning the Haskell language, and I was able to put into practice concepts that are generally used in functional languages with contribution in the PHP code, and in particular in
.Implicitly, I was more efficient in my way of programming, of using the function-first, data-last technique or to discover tacit programming (or point-free-style).
The use of these techniques allowed me to be very strict at the typing level and thus facilitate the static analysis.
Pol, you are Belgian: can you tell us about the community of developers in Belgium? Do you have the equivalent of AFUP, opportunities to meet?
Indeed, I am Belgian with Italian origin and I consider myself a European. It’s probably my work environment at the European Commission which has accentuated this way of seeing things. From what I remember I already felt it like that from a young age, my parents did their job well.
At the start of my career, I got involved a lot in the Drupal community for which I do not contribute any longer. I went to the four corners of the planet to attend conferences and workshops.
Very recently and for multiple reasons, I reoriented my career in order to focus on a more corporate and professional use of PHP, without Drupal. I do not regret my choice, except that I miss my old colleagues, especially in this atypical time.
Belgium is full of PHP devs and generally they are never without a job! Many of them work at the European Commission, there is a lot of activity around Drupal. Coming from these regions, I know almost all of them and I greet them warmly!
For the gender distribution, the world of development seems to be a world of men, the only female developers I know can be counted on the fingers of one hand, I greet them also at the same time!
From a strictly personal point of view, I have never felt any discomfort from anyone regarding the gender, I have the impression that so few women are present because of old ways and customs. Changes in mentalities are still to be made to get out of the preconceived patterns of the past. Even if a lot of effort has been made, the water will still have to flow under the bridges, to erase the prejudices and deconstruct in some heads that women, just like men, can be what they want and not only good at the tasks that have always been assigned to them since the dawn of time. And of course, this is also true for men who wish to get into trades mainly represented by women such as nurses, nursery nurses and so on.
Regarding a community similar to AFUP, I only know PHP Benelux and I attend meetings regularly. I must admit that I am very envious of the effervescence and communities that I can see in your country.
And finally, about 6 years ago and I decided to relocate and I completely stopped traveling and getting involved so much to try in order to devote myself to my renovation projects.
Since then, I slowly take the fold, hence my submission of a presentation or I thank you already for having it chosen, I can’t wait to present it to you all.